Five random tips - computer basics.
June 01, 2021No matter what business you are working in, digital technology and IT makes it possible to do your job...
Protecting your family's privacy online, backing up your devices, migrating your emails from Cpanel to Gsuite/Office365. Whatever your IT issue is, we are here to help.
Learn to keep track of all of your passwords. Find a password manager that’s compatible with your computer.
Learn remote access online, have remote meetings with loved ones, get access to more of your files, join a conference call on the go, or even use your laptop as a scanner.
Learn to install email clients and sync your inboxes on all your devices, manage your Google Contacts across many applications and devices.
Safeguard your identity and monitor your privacy at the same time. Backup your devices periodically.
Consider moving from Microsoft Office Desktop to Office365 or Google Gsuite. Managing all your documents in the cloud
We can upgrade your software safely, with a back up of your data safely in your hands.
I entrust Shingai at Onai Intelligence with various IT related problems such as converting sensitive documents to different file types and troubleshooting any email, domain and IT issues I come across.
I would highly recommend Onai to any small business or individual with IT or technology problems.
Learn the steps needed to safeguard your identity and monitor your privacy. Store sensitive information in ways that others cannot access.
Change your passwords regularly, learn to use password apps and your browser's password features to manage all of your accounts.
Access services that you might need on your phone whilst avoiding apps from unverified sources.
No matter what business you are working in, digital technology and IT makes it possible to do your job...
It's increasingly important for older people to have the digital access...
Research shows that the issue of digital skills is not just about the actual technology that people are using...
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